Capability Statement

Our Capability Statement highlights our expertise in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for education, mining, construction, and aerospace industries. Learn how our innovative approach, client-centric development, and proactive adaptation can transform your business. Download now to see how OgdenXR can enhance your operational efficiency, safety, and engagement through tailored immersive solutions.

Core Business


OgdenXR is a pioneering company specializing in immersive technologies, dedicated to transforming how businesses and institutions communicate, learn, and engage. Our mission is to amplify access to complex knowledge for a diverse audience through innovative digital experiences. With a focus on delivering cutting-edge solutions, OgdenXR bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds, creating impactful and accessible immersive environments.

Realidad Aumentada


OgdenXR enhances online learning and training through engaging VR environments and AI-driven programs. We develop customized solutions for universities and tech colleges, improving student engagement and administrative efficiency.


Our immersive solutions enable detailed visualization of aircraft systems, enhancing understanding and execution of maintenance tasks. This leads to improved operational efficiency and safety standards.


We offer immersive simulations for training workers in hazardous scenarios, reducing accident risks. Our AI-driven programs ensure consistent and thorough safety training.


OgdenXR provides advanced visualization tools for better project
communication, marketing, and public acknowledgment. We can also create virtual environments where potential buyers or tenants can customize and visualize their office or manufacturing space before construction begins.

Capability Statement

Contact Us

Our team is here to answer your questions, discuss your specific needs, and help you embark on a journey toward enhanced operations, engagement, and innovation